JackBakes was born out of a desire to weave family tradition and honest ingredients into a product that could be available to everyone. Their signature hand-braided challah bread is a modern twist on the traditional Jewish recipe and is sold across popular specialty stores across New York City.
The Challenge
The company’s founder and Food Network contributor, Jack Hazan, approached us requesting help with a packaging concept for their new product, a challah bagel. The bagels’ packaging had to be in line with his existing product's design, while still being unique enough to communicate that this was a new offering.
We were able to create harmony between JackBakes’ existing challah bread bag and the new challah bagel bags by continuing to use the same colour palette and diagonal elements, while creating a new round icon to echo a bagel.
The Result
JackBakes was pleased with this new packaging and we are currently working with them on their newest product, coming soon!